Sunday, April 20, 2014

UNDER My Calorie Goal Today!  Time to Tweak the Diet…DAY 21

Sunday April 20 , 2014  DAY 21.    Sunday is normally a day I like to adjust calories, % of fat, carb, protein, sugar if needed and decide what the upcoming week will be.  I am firmly under my level today, with no pain, hunger or issues!  I have learned so much in the last 21 days.  I have conquered weak spots each week, and tightened up each week.  I can tell that my face is a bit smaller- which probably means I lost a bit.  But in my first 30 days, my goal was to track and tweak until I was consuming the amount of food I needed for reasonable weight loss, with no repercussions.  We have all heard it takes 30 days to build a habit.  I am putting that to the test!

As of today, I would not change a thing.  In week one, at times- I was over LOADS of calories  - one day it was 1300!  But today, the calories have been reduced, and I am under.  Easily.  I now measure everything and have reduced my healthy oils in cooking- the olive and canola.  Everything tastes great and I am released from hunger, madness, cravings and binging.  I have never been so free from food in my life.

This process is re-shaping all of my eating habits.  I have been fighting weight for YEARS- and now, in a mere 21 days, it seems like a distant memory.  I cannot recommend this process enough. Log and track EVERYTHING.  is FREE.


Often people choose crash diets and calculate how long they can lose large sums of weight.  Sometimes this works for a while or if what you need to lose is small.  If you explain to someone, I want them to take three or four weeks to track, log and adjust to a diet, they will tell you that it is not fast enough!  Yet this same person has been overweight for 25 years and has only succeeded in the yo yo pattern.

If you have had this extra weight even 1 year- let alone a lifetime, or decades, how do you fix it by just changing the next day?  Addiction is not changed in this fashion.  We give all kinds of things in this world time to change, but we expect to change instantly because we have read the newest diet craze.  We expect to start, the NEXT DAY.

Make your choices based on history- if you have been struggling for years, then this is the plan for you.  Track and log EVERYTHING.  Set your initial loss goal at either a .5 pound or to MAINTAIN current weight.  Then track and log.  Before you know it, you will have hammered out your weak spots and let them go. AND IT WORKS!   Rome was not built in a day, your diet will not be perfect TOMORROW.

Each week is getting easier- I feel like my Fairy Godmother has finally found me and hit me with her magic wand.  It is wonderful to know, my future will be free of addiction.  In time, I will trim off as much weight that is healthy for me- it is going to take a long time.  Today, that  feels is hope and happiness.

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