Saturday, April 19, 2014

Is Olive Oil Making Me Fat?

Well, if you eat enough too much it, yes.  We use too many fats in our diet, especially Olive OIl as it has been branded "the healthy oil", which is true, to a point.  It is healthier than eating an unhealthy oil in its place, but it is not a free pass to unlimited use.

The marketing of EVOO with all of the cooks on TV and branding has caused an astounding change to our use of this fat.  Back in the "Stop The Insanity" no fat eating craze, you would have never used as much, or at all!  If you have dieted  on anything popular in the years previous to this craze, you used some but not much.   Salad Dressing of all kinds was on all of our "NO NO" lists.  Now we use it without a blink.

We are simply out of balance on it.  Olive Oil is not healthy in too much quantity as it just packs so many calories!    Yes, yes, much better for you than BAD FATS, but it cannot be unlimited in your diet.  Unless you are doing the low carb thing, which I know no one that can stay on that all of their life, oil needs moderation.


I use it to roast vegetables but now I use a mister to spray it, and toss the food about to coat. A basting brush works well too, and you can measure the Olive Oil before you use it.  Salad Dressings are a cinch!  Whether they are homemade or bottled, I think them out with white vinegar, water or both. I have the flavor but not the fat!  (Well, less fat….way less!)

 I also use canola oil.  It is also a healthy oil. I use both depending on the need.  But somewhere along the line, I forgot the calories those things packed until I started tracking everything on "My Fat".

When trying to stay on limits with a diet, fat aka OIL packs a lot more calories than a carbohydrate, a fruit, a vegetable- or a lean meat.  Olive oil has about 120 calories a tablespoon, like all of the oils do.  YES, use olive or canola IN PLACE  of butter and bad fats, but do not mistake it for a health food.

Count those healthy oils!  Yes, they are fat- no bad fats- but they are fat and pack quite a punch to your waistline if left as a free for all!

Mrs. Ratfire

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